Participate/Get Involved

Community Members:

The Kirkwood Meadows Public Utility District is your District and the only way it works is through the participation of community members.  Your involvement is critical in keeping the District current and representing the true needs of the area.

Ways to participate include:

  • Attend and participate in monthly meetings of the Board of Directors.
  • Watch for information about upcoming elections and investigate running for a seat on the Board. This takes a large commitment of time and energy. Speak with an existing Board Member to get an idea of the requirements.
  • Attend and participate in scheduled meetings of the Standing Committees.
  • Watch for announcements of openings on these committees and investigate the possibility of becoming a member, especially if you have expertise in the focus of the Committee, and can commit 2-3 hours of your time per month.

Meetings are posted on the Calendar of Events.

What is a Special District?